Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fire The Barry Bonds Trial

Even in drag, Bonds can't disguise that he's a jerk.
It's only day one of the Barry Bonds perjury trial, but this thing needs to be fired. Immediately.

If being an all-around jerk were punishable with jail time, Bonds would surely get a lengthy sentence (he once allegedly refused to sign a ball for a children's hospital benefit auction). And if being guilty of the crime you allegedly committed guaranteed a conviction, then Barry would do some time for lying to a grand jury about his alleged steroid use. 

But this isn't a made-for-TV movie, and it's already pretty obvious that things aren't going so well for the prosecution. U.S. District Judge Susan Illston made several key rulings before the trial that will prevent the admission of important evidence against Bonds. ESPN legal analyst Lester Munson already has the defense ahead, declaring "Bonds' lawyers clearly had the initiative and scored heavily" during jury selection, while the prosecution was "defensive and demonstrated... concerns about prosecuting a hometown hero on a steroids issue on which many fans have made their own conclusions." 

Then there's the prosecution's would-be star witness, Bonds' former trainer, Greg Anderson. Anderson already spent more than one year in jail for refusing to testify against Bonds, and Illston said she will send him back to jail if he won't cooperate again. Does he enjoy working out in jail? Is he the most loyal person ever? We'll never know. But we do know he won't testify against Bonds.  

Yes, it's only day one. But this trial is shaping up to be a waste of valuable resources and it needs to take up its rightful place in the unemployment line.

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