Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fire the 49ers' Excuse that A 16-Game Season Led to Fan Injuries

York's comments suggest he puts money before fans. (AP).
In the aftermath of several serious injuries to fans at the 49ers/Raiders preseason game last week, the president of the 49ers made an incredibly irresponsible statement when he blamed the violence on the league's 16-game schedule.

"I think when you have a preseason game, when you don't have your regular-season ticket holders coming to the game, I think that plays a big factor into [violence]," Jed York said. He went on to say that an 18-game schedule would eliminate some preseason games and possibly prevent such riff raff from attending games at NFL stadiums. He and Raiders CEO Amy Trask also denied that alcohol consumption is a problem before or during games (eye roll).

York and Trask's comments make the HR Department's job pretty easy, so there's no need to go on a rant here. The only thing we will say is that York deserves additional criticism for beating a dead horse. The players overwhelmingly rejected the idea of an 18-game schedule, and with the NFL's labor situation settled for the next decade, it seems moot to raise an argument in favor of more games. Especially an incredibly dumb one.

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