Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday Firings: NFL Playbooks on iPads, Hurricane Irene, 'White' Michael Vick

Every Friday the HR Department fires two or more things from around sports that range from silly to outrageous. Here's what we came up with this week:

Cool, but risky for playbooks.
Fire the Tampa Bay Bucs Using iPads for Playbooks: Sure, it seems like a cool idea for Tampa Bay to have its players download their playbooks to iPads. The problem is, aside from the usual dangers of players losing books or having them stolen, now the team is using a device that can be hacked. It's great that the team wants to be hip (and green!), but it's not worth the added danger.  

Fire Hurricane Irene for Cancelling Games: As a precaution, a variety of games scheduled to be played on the East Coast this weekend have been cancelled.Cancelling the games is probably for the best, but it sucks that millions of people could be trapped inside for two days with nothing to watch on TV, that is assuming they have power. Cancellations and postponements include: Mets/Braves, the New Haven (tennis) Open, a Major League soccer game and some PGA event, plus the Giants/Jets preseason football game has been bumped up by five hours.

Fire a "White" Michael Vick: The graphic accompanying this ESPN feature story is just creepy.

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